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Throughout history and the ages, women have played a significant and central role ensuring the stability, progress and long term development of families, communities, islands, states, and nations. It is the wombed man, the woman, though called a weaker vessel....who is the back bone of our society and strong pillar of her family.

The Lioness Arise Conference for women is designed to remind us that regardless of your station, status and sphere in life, today, remember that you are a LIONESS among woman. The Queen in your domain. Your beauty is revealed in your strength. You are more than sexy and are stunning, skillful and smart. Your Power is unquestionable.....Your attractiveness is undeniable. You are fierce, fearless, fabulous and a force to be reckoned with. You are a LIONESS!!!


Lioness Arise also celebrates National Women week Globally, and encourage women to walk confidently in who God has called us to be establishing, raising, training and equipping a people, a generation to fear the Lion King....The Living God.




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